
Environmental Policies


The 3rd Minamata City General Environmental Plan (FY2020 ~ FY2027)


Environmental Future Vision

A citizens' workshop was held in 2018 to formulate the 6th Minamata City General Plan. The workshop was divided in five areas, and participants exchanged opinions in an interactive format on "the future vision of Minamata in 10 years." Among the five areas, the environmental goals that this plan aims to achieve were set as follows, based on the opinions expressed in the environmental group and from the viewpoint of consistency and movement with the continuity of environmental administration to date, the principles of the Minamata City General Environmental Ordinance, and the 6th Minamata City General Plan.


"Minamata - a city where the environment, economy, and society exist in harmony"



Basic goals and measures

In order to realize the environmental image that the city is aiming for, we will set basic goals and develop them through six measures.


Basic goal - creating an environment for the next generation

Taking lessons learned from the experience of Minamata disease, we will continue to work on a variety of environmentally-friendly measures and aim to create a recycling-oriented, low-carbon society.

In addition, we will take appropriate measures to deal with noise, illegal dumping, and other day-to-day environmental problems.


Measure 1 - addressing the Minamata disease issue and promoting moyai naoshi

We will pray for all the lives lost due to Minamata disease, and promote moyai naoshi※, or repairing ties, through the cooperation of citizens, and strive to disseminate the lessons learned so that similar industrial polluttion will never occur again in the world.

In addition, in order to continue to spread the lessons of the history of Minamata disease in the future, we will collect and preserve historically important materials and information on the different effects caused by Minamata disease, and the rehabilitation of local communities.

※Moyai naoshi: Moyai refers to a connection between ships, or working together in a joint effort. The concept of moyai naoshi means to rebuild (naoshi) the connections (moyai) between people.


Measure 2 - the formation of a recycling-oriented society

Based on the principle of "Zero Waste," we will promote efforts to reduce waste, without needing to rely on waste disposal methods such as incineration and landfills.

In addition, we will promote the proper separation and disposal of garbage in communities, homes, and businesses in order to ensure the effective use of resources, and to curb production of garbage. We will also strive to disseminate information and raise awareness for the reduction of garbage.


Measure 3 - implementing a low-carbon society

In the industrial, transportation, business, and residential sectors, we aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by switching to high-efficiency, energy-saving equipment and introducing renewable energy.

We will also consider measures for adapting to climate change, such as reducing the environmental impact of public facilities and promoting the systematic introduction of renewable energy, and high-efficiency, energy-saving equipment.


Measure 4 - preservation of living environments

We will strive to preserve the living environment by conducting water quality analysis and various noise, vibration, and smoke measurements, while providing guidance as necessary.

In addition, we will patrol illegal dumping of garbage (waste), and promote the maintenance of infrastructure necessary for living environments, such as maintaining stable functionality of the public sewage system.


Measure 5 - promotion of environmental conservation activities through collaboration

We will promote citizen-led environmental conservation activities by conducting "Environment Month Cleanip Activities" and "Ocean and River Cleanup Operations," as well as the creation of rich forests through thinning and afforestation activities in order to improve the water source restoration fuctions of forests.

In addition, we will promote the creation of a city that values nature by supporting citize-led events and activities that value flowers and greenery.


Measure 6 - promotion of environmental community development projects through industry-academia-government-private partnerships

We will hold symposiums, junior science seminars, and public lectures in collaboration with universities, research institutions, and businesses to provide opportunities for local residents and businesses to come into contact with the latest research and technology, and develop human resources capable of handling responsibility for the region.

In addition, we will accept training programs from universities, the Environmental Research Institute of the Ministry of the Environment, and other UN agencies that have a cooperative relationship with our city, and disseminate our knowledge, technology, and future-oriented initiatives. We will also enhance our network with universities in Japan and abroad, with the goal of stimulating joing research and human exchange, and promoting cooperation with local citizens, and local elementary and junior high schools.


The 3rd Minamata City General Environmental Plan Download (Japanese)

The 3rd Minamata City General Environmental Plan (Full Version)別ウィンドウで開きます





Contact Information

Minamata City

Environmental Department

Moyai Promotion Section

Tel : +81-966-61-1612

Fax : +81-966-64-9044


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